The North Carolina Archaeological Society will be partnering with the NC Office of State Archaeology, the Research Laboratories of Archaeology at UNC-CH, and Town Creek Indian Mound State Historic Site to offer a hands-on archaeological experience for NCAS members. This fieldwork is planned for October 10th – 15th 2022 (Monday through Saturday), with the NCAS Annual Fall meeting being held at Town Creek on Saturday, October 15th, coinciding with International Archeology Day and the final day of excavations. Please join us for our business meeting, speakers, guided site tours, and lunch!
The specific research goal of the excavations will be to investigate an area north of the palisaded portion of Town Creek where a 2014 magnetometer survey indicated the potential for numerous subsurface features. Due to the lack of systematic archaeological excavations in this part of the site, little is known about how this area was used and how it relates to the core of the site to the south. The planned investigations have the potential to help us learn what activities were taking place outside the palisade, and how they relate to the overall trajectory of American Indian history at Town Creek. In this first phase of field work, the primary goal will be to expose, document, and map any intact features.
We invite current NCAS members to participate in the excavations (to join or renew, go to: Activities for which help is needed include digging, sifting soil to recover artifacts, troweling, and mapping with a laser transit. Archaeologists will be available to train participants in field methods, so no previous experience is required. Come for the whole week or just an afternoon! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Douglas Hill (
Excavations will begin daily at 8:30 am and continue until 4:00pm. In case of inclement weather bring rain gear. Canopies will be on site. Wear comfortable outdoor clothing that can get dirty and bring gloves and camping chairs if needed. Food and lodging will NOT be provided, but free on-site tent camping is available. The camping area has a large fire pit, ample firewood, and a spigot, but no power.